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Archive by category: Tires 101Return

Can I Buy Just Two Tires?

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We know that a lot of drivers are working pretty hard to make a dollar go farther and that the outlay for a full set of four tires – even inexpensive tires – can be considerable. That’s why we run across drivers pretty often who ask if it’s okay to just replace a pair of tires, then buy the other pair when they can afford them. The answer is…yes, but… You’ll really need to pay attention to the size of the set of tires that you’ve already got and go with that exact same size of tires for...
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Flat Spots? Let’s Clear Up Some Myths About That…

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So your vehicle’s been sitting for a while…you get in it, start the engine and pull out of the driveway when you notice a hard, rough (but very regular) vibration that only gets worse with speed. It doesn’t feel like it’s coming from the driveline or suspension – so what is it? It could be that the tires have developed flat spots. With the weight of the vehicle pressing down on the tires for long periods, a section of the rubber and belts can become softer (or harder) than the rest of the...
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